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Volume 7, issue 12 (December, 1985)

Table of Contents
The Digital Diet: Staying in Shape with Your Computer23
How would you like to have your own diet and exercise coach, someone to encourage you to lose those extra pounds, tohelp schelude your personal fitness program and setup up a sensible eating plan? A growing number of software compienies are taking advantage of the computer's interactive nature to provide these coaches-on-a-disk.
Selby Bateman
A Taxing Alternative36
Americans probably dread no day more than April 15: income tax deadline. For many pople, the annual tax filing ritual is a frustrating exercise in organizing hudreds of scattered financial records. Even if you're due a refund, it still means hours of poring over numbers to prove it. However, a growing number of software publishers are offering help via tax-preparation and tax-planning software.
Kathy Yakal
Balloon Crazy42
Catch as many balloons as you can - but be careful not to fall off your skateboard. This whimscal game was originally written for Atari computers with at least 16K RAM. We've added versions for the Apple II series, Commodore 64, IBM PC (with color/graphics adapter and BASICA), IBM PCjr (with Cartridge BASIC), and TI-99/4A (with Extended BASIC). The 64, IBM and Atari versions require a joystick. A joystick is optional with the TI version. THe Atari and Apple versions can also be played with paddles.
Joseph Russ
Memo Diary68
Keep track of important dates, holidays, and personal events with this simple, easy to use BASIC program. It was originally written for Commodore computers (with at least 8K RAM and a tape or disk drive), and modifications are included for the Atari 400/800, XL, and XE (with at least 16K RAM for tape or 24K RAM for disk), Apple II series (disk only DOS 3.3 or ProDOS), IBM PC and Enhanced Model PCjr (disk only), and TI-99/4A with Extended BASIC (disk or tape).
Jim Butterfield
James V. Trunzo
Karen McCullough
Mudples for Atari 520ST80
Gregg Keizer
BASIC XE for Atari84
Robert L. Riggs
Rescue Raiders for Apple85
James V. Trunzo
Field of Fire for Atari & 6485
James V. Trunzo
NEC 8401A Portable Computer86
Gregg Keizer
MouseWrite for Apple IIe & IIc86
Gregg Keizer
Phantasie for Apple & 6487
James V. Trunzo
The Editor's Notes6
Uploading files, Apple Mousetext, Atari Custom Characters, 40 IBM Function Keys, Arabian Atari?, Making ML Loaders, Absent Printer Dilemma, Apple & IBM ML Addresses, Borrowing ML from BASIC
Gregg Keizer
Reader's Feedback10
The Beginner's Page: No Strings Attached126
Tom R. Halfhill
Computers and Society: Another Kind of Home Computing127
David D. Thornburg
The World Inside the Computer: Pieces of Our Past128
Fred D'Ignazio
Telecomputing Today: In Pursuit of Lower Phone Bills129
Arlan R. Levitan
Programming the TI: Christmas Graphics130
C. Regena
INSIGHT: Atari - The Hidden Power of Atari Basic132
Bill Wilkinson
IBM Personal Computing: Diary of a Home Application134
Donald B. Trivette
The New MLX74
This significantly improved version of COMPUTER!'s "MLX" utility will help you enter machine language program listings without typos. It's more foolproof that the old MLXand is easier to use, too - especially for beginners. The new MLX is required to enter all machine language programs published in COMPUTE! for the Commodore 64, starting with "Balloon Crazy" in this issue.
Ottis R. Cowper
SpeedScript 3.0 Revisited90
Since its publication in March, April, May, and June 1985 issues of COMPUTE!, response to the SpeedScript 3.0 word processor for the Commodore 64, VIC-20, Atari, and Apple computers has been tremendous. Hundreds of readers have written to comment on SpeedScript, as questions, and report minor bugs. This article shows how to fix a few bugs confirmed in the Commodore and Apple versions, including the versions on the March, April, and June COMPUTE! Disks.
Charles Brannon
Apple Disk Booster94
This unusual program increases the amount of storage space on Apple disks in DOS 3.3. It runs on any Apple II-series computer with a disk driver.
D. W. Hoover
Atari Keypad96
Here's the alternative to buying an add-on numeric keypad - simply emulate one in software. This machine language utility redefines part of your existing keyboard as a numeric keypad withc you can turn on and off at will. It works on all Atari 400/800, XL, and XE computers with a disk drive.
R. Alan Belke
Million-Color Palette for IBM PC & PCjr99
It's amazine but true - with this stunning technique you can generate more than a million apparent color variations on a PCjr. You can even display 256 colorssimultaneously. The effects are less dramatic on a PC, but itäs still possible to generate many more than the standard 16 colors. The programs require an Enhanced Model PCjr or a PC with color/graphics card, plus a TV set or composite color monitor. THe palette is more limited on an RGB monitor, but it still impressive.
John Klein, Jeff Klein
Computed GOTOs & GOSUBs for Commodore 64103
This short, relocatable utility permits computed GOTO and GOSUB statements in Commodore 64 BASIC.
William M. Wiese
Refurbish Your 64105
Enhance your Commodore 64 by nidufying its built-in operating system. This unusual program eliminates several annoying bugs and adds convenient new features as well.
Richard Roffers, Jefferey Hock
Apple ProDOS Disk Menu108
Here's a fast method of loading and running programs at the touch of a key. THe program requires an Apple IIc or IIe with the ProDOS operating system.
K. Michael Parker
Atari Fine Scrolling110
Unlock the secrets of fine-scrolling screen displays with this step-by-step tutorial, complete with example programs. Recommended for intermediate BASIC and machine language programmers. The techniques work on all Atari 400/800, XL, and XE computers.
Karl E. Wiegers
Commodore Program Chaining114
Take advantage of Commodore's automatic chaining feature to link tow or more BASIC programs together. The method illustrated here applies to all Commodore computers.
Orlando Lee Stevenson
Commodore Dynamic Keyboard, Part 3116
Parts 1 and 2 of this series showed how the dynamic keyboard techniqe - which allows the computer to seemingly type on its own keyboard - lets you do things that would otherwise be difficult or impossible from a program. Now we'll look at the trickiest application of this technique - wirting a parogram that changes itself as it runs.
Jim Butterfield
Advanced Commodore 128 Video118
Here's how to relocate screen memory and set up a custom character set on the Commdore 128 - two valuable techniques worth mastering on any computer. When you run the example program, be ready for a surprise. For intermediate and advanced BASIC programmers.
Jim Butterfield
Apple Hi-Res Screen Dump120
You can easily dump high-resplution graphics pictures onto a dot matrix printer with this efficient machine language utility. It's also anideal way to add a screen dump option to your own BASIC programs. It requres an Apple IIe or II+ computer with at least 48KRAM and an Epson or Epson-compatible printer, as well as an Epson or Epson-compatible parallel inteerface card that connects to slot 1. For both DOS 3.3 and ProDOS.
Mark Russinovich
Disassembler for Atari122
This versatile utility disassembles any machine language program in memory or on disk. It can also display a memory dump and check disks for bad sectors. The program works on any 400/800, XL, or XE with at least 16K RAM for tape or 24K for disk.
William Casner
CAPUTE! Modifications or Corrections to Previous Articles124
Atari Witching Hour, Skyscape, All About IBM Batch Files, 64 Color Plotter
Apple MLX: Machine Language Entry Program135
To make easier enter machine language programs into your computer without typos, COMPUTE! is introducing its MLX enry program for the Apple II series. It's our best MLX yet. It runs on the II, II+, IIe and IIc, and with either DOS 3.3 or ProDOS.
Tim Victor
Advertisers Index144

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