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The NT Insider

Volume 12, issue 3 (June, 2005)

Table of Contents
A Soft Life - Implenting Software-Only Drivers Usign KMDF1
What a Week it Was!1
Sealevel Digital I/O Kit - An Industrial Control Board and More3
Peter Pontificates: Wanted: Engineering Discipline4
Peter Viscarola
Proper Completion - Resubmitting IRPs from within a Completion Routine6
How to Get There from Here - Redirecting Create Requests10
Don't be Afraid to Commit - The Transactional File System (TxFS) in Windows12
Introducting OSR Press™... and the "How To" Book Series14
Introduction to the Windows Driver Foundation: Kernel Mode Driver Framework15

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last updated Aug 30, 2005