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Issue 15 (April, 1998)

Table of Contents
Click to Mode Switch: The 40-80 Mouse switch
You have graduated from a 64 to a "you'll have to pry my dead fingers from the keyboard" 128. However, your favorite editor works only in 40 column mode and your application runs in 80 column mode. Your 40/80 key is giving you carpal tunnel sybndrome, and you think no end is in sight. Well, let Michael Nausch relieve some of your problems with this innovative project.
Michael Nausch
The Canonical List of Commodore Produced Products, v2.0
In 1994, I decided to determine what specific models of CBM equipment I had in my collection, and I posted the results on the Internet, with some simple questions I had. Well, responses came in, and thus began the Commodore Products List, aiming to catalog every model and mutation of every product Commodore ever produced. Extended with information gleaned over the last year, I present version 2.0 of this reference work.
Jim Brain
Scott Ballantyne : Blazing into Forth - An Interview
Have you ever wondered who wrote the programming language you use for your projects, or why? Well, for those who have ever used Blazin' FORTH, here's your chance to get the scoop on how the Commodore implementation of FORTH came to be.
Jim Lawless
Technical Information on the VIC-20
Of the CBM 8-bits, the 64/128 machines garner the most talk and support. However, the VIC-20 maintains a loyal and devoted following, in spite of living in the shadow of its bigger brothers. Ward Shrake provides some pin out information and technical notes on the "friendly computer", Commodore's first home computer system.
Ward Shrake
Hi Tech Trickery: Double Speed Opcodes
Well, just when you thought everything about the NMOS 65XX line had been documented, exploited, and understood, Sean proves everyone wrong. Sean discusses a previously unknown side effect of the illegal $AF opcode that turns on extra cicutry in the NMOS code and reduces cycle exuction times by almost half for 3+ cycle opcodes! Imagine executing an Indirect X EOR (Opcode $41) in 3 cycles.
Sean Adams
Hacking BASICs
The JAVA community does not have a monopoly on the concept of "write once, run anywhere". Richard discusses ways to write your BASIC apps so they will run equally well on both the C64 and the C128, while not compromising speed or flexibility.
Richard T. Cunningham
Twiddling the Bits: The DataPump Plus
In this age of 33,600 bps modems with a 56K standard on the way, Getting by with the software UART in the 64 and 128 is even harder to smallow. In the past, commercial offerings like Swiftlink and the new Turbo232 have offered us hope in the form of a hardware UART replacement. However, many do-it-youself folks have put together the DataPump circuit by Perry M. Grodzinski. Well, Frank Kontros has updated this useful circuit with simpler circuitry and an easier layout.
Frank Kontros
The (cough, cough) Hacking Editor
Jim Brain
Hacking the Mags
FIDO's Nuggets
Geoff Sullivan
Hack Surfing
Commodore Trivia
Jim Brain
? DS, DS$: rem The Error Channel
The Next Hack
Hacking the Code

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