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Issue 1 (May 17th, 1996)

Table of Contents
Software Section 
Explorations on IFLI
Adrian Gonzales, Mike Gordillo
TRI-FLI: A new video mode 'abrewing'?
George Taylor, Mike Gordillo
Heaven in the net, an unedited excerpt of IRC on #c-64
Mike Gordillo
A complete dissection of Gfx-Zone
A Beginner's Guide to the JCH Editor V2.53, NewPlayer V14.G0
Sean M. Pappalardo
An inside look at MODplay 128
Nate Dannenberg, Mike Gordillo
Some preliminary data on VDC timing
Stephen L. Judd
Software analysis and reconstructive therapy, a historical view on 'cracking'
Pontus Berg
A Quick Overview of CP/M
Mike Gordillo
The BIOS-R62a/ZPM3/ZCCP Commodore 128 CP/M 3.0+ Upgrade Package and a bunch load of utilities!
Mike Gordillo
Hardware Section 
BEYOND STEREO - The POWER-SID Model 2400 : It May Not be THX but it's Taking the Commodore One Dimension Closer
Shaun Halstead
The 8 bit Modplay 128 Board
Nate Dannenberg
Upgrading your C128's VDC memory to 64K
Mike Gordillo
The Metal Shop
Mike Eglestone

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Read the small print. Last updated Apr 10, 2005