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Commodore Microcomputers

Volume 6, issue 1 (January, 1985)

Table of Contents
What Else Can I Do With It?66
If you don't program and you're sick of games, read this.
Stephen S. Leven
The Electronic University70
Take college courses at home via your computer.
Bill Weaver
Be Your Own Travel Agent72
Quick, accurate travel info is available to you at home.
Liz Hoffman
New Software Just What The Doctor Ordered...76
Or is it? Self-help software has some people concerned.
Betsy Byrne
Get Organized!78
The Home Organizer series helps you organize your stuff.
Kelley Essoe
Industry News10
Book Reviews: Brought to You by Reston16
Four books recently published by Reston Publishing Company provide funa and information for Commodore users.
(41 1/2 Fun Projects for Your Commodore; The Code Breakers; The Master Memory Map for the Commodore 64; Commodore 64 Color Graphics: A Beginner's Guide)
Linda Lee
Software Review: Micro Cookbook18
Sue West
Software Review: Total Health20
Ted Salamone
Software Review: Financial Cookbook22
Walt Lounsbery
Software Review: Dungeon of the Algebra Dragons24
Howard Millman
Software Review: Phone Boss26
Ted Salamone
Software Review: The Hypnotist28
Ted Salamone
Software Review: Expando-Vision30
Rob Skalski
Software Review: The Factory33
Kelley Essoe
Software Review: IEA: Instant Editor Assembler34
Sterling Augustine
Software Review: CalcResult36
Elizabeth Deal
Software Review: Personaly Analyzer40
Ted Salamone
Programmer's Tips: Introduction to BASIC List Sorting42
David R. Brooks
Technical Tips: Random Thoughts, Part 850
Mark Zimmermann
Technical Tips: Home University54
Shlomo Ginsburg
Technical Tips: Time60
Craig Hessel
Education: Two Schools Win Matching Grants84
Betsy Byrne
Education: Helping Your Child Learn87
Education: 1984 Olympics of the Mind88
Carrol McGillin
Education: Update on Networking94
James Bussey, Gail Austin
Commodore 64 Users Only: Manager Artithmetic, Part 197
Timothy Choate
Commodore 64 Users Only: Testing the 64's Cassette Interface100
Don Fabrizio
SuperPET Users Only: SuperPET Potpourri103
Dick Barnes
User Grops List110
How to Enter Programs121
That Does Not Compute128
Advertisers' Index128

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