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Volume 3, issue 4 (April, 1978)

Table of Contents
Optimization: A Case Study40
William B. Noyce
A College Microcomputer Facility90
Bill Foster, Bob Southern
Tune In and Turn On! Part 1: A Computerized Wireless AC Control System114
Steve Ciarcia
Robot Simulation on Microcomputers132
Why build a mechanism when a video display can be used to visualize logical problems of robots?
John Webster
The TDL System Monitor Board: A Writer's View10
Bradford E. Rehm
An Introduction to Tables18
Jim Butterfield
How to Multiply in a Wet Climate, Part 1: Use and Basis for a Design28
Jack Bryant, Manot Swasdee
The Radio Shack TRS-80: An Owner's Report49
Dan Fylstra
The Brains of Men and Machines, Part 4: The Machinery of Emotion and Choice66
Ernest W. Kent
User's Report: The SOL-20126
Dennis Barbour
CIE Net: A Design for a Network of Community Information Exchanges - Part 3, Other Considerations168
Mike Wilber
Serendipitous Circles Explored178
Eduardo Kellerman
In This BYTE4
Editorial: Personal Computing: New Prospects for Art and Science6
Carl Helmers
Hand Assembling M6800 Relative Addresses46
Ray Boaz
BYTE's Bugs62
A Bug in the Clockwork (November 1977)
A Bug in the EROM (March 1978)
One Step at a Time (November 1977)
Improving an Improvement (November 1977)
Numb NIM (November 1977)
Checking Checks (January 1978)
BYTE's Bits131, 166
Dallast to Host AAME Exposition
A Conference in Dallas
Cruise Interfacing... Join a Seaborne Microcomputer Workshow
National Computer Conference Gets Personal
Picking the Right Color Television for an Apple, Continued
Call for Abstracts
Department of Robotics Hocum147
Carl Helmers
Programming Quickies: BASIC Sorts148
Rene E. Pittet
Languages Forum: On Consumers' Languages and Human Interfaces149
Peter Mikes
Languages Forum: Concerning PASCAL: A Homebrew Compiler Project149
Stephen P. Smith
Technical Forum: Problems of International Television Standards152
E. John Dehaven
Technical Forum: Tick...Tick...Tick...Booooom152
W. B. Jazembski
Technical Forum: Avoid Self-Modifying Code152
Don Kinzer
Book Reviews156
Scientific and Engineering Problem Solving with the Computer
Your Home Computer
Chris Morgan, Dan Fylstra
Publisher's Note: Concerning Reprints from BYTE159
Virginia P. Londner
Clubs, Newsletters160
What's New?188
Classfied ads206
Reader Service208

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