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Volume 3, issue 6 (June, 1986)

Table of Contents
Remember when the C-64 was considered a computer with limited capabilities? Well, GEOS, the new operating system from Berkeley Softworks, has changed that impression by tapping the hidden potential of the C-64, unleashing a powerful computer with features that rival those of much higher-priced micros.
Matthew Stern
In Search of the Perfect Printer, Part II38
Still haven't determined which printer is best for you? To help you decide, here's the conclusion of our look at popular printers for Commodore owners.
Tim Walsh
Give Your C-128 More Character52
Now you can redesign any or all of 512 characters and use them in your C-128 and C-64 programs.
Frederick Goddard
Grolier - Leading the Way In Education58
An interview with Kathleen Hurley, vice-president of Grolier Electronic Publishing.
Margaret Morabito
Education in Canada - A Favorable Climate For Commodores62
Here's a look at what our northern neighbors have been doing with Commodore computers in their schools.
Gail Hook
This program gives children a grand time as they practice addition and subtraction, and every correct answer earns one minute of drawing time on the low-resolution screen.
James Pellechi
The C-64 Goes to Second Grade74
Find out how one second-grade teacher is motivating her students to learn through creative uses of the computer.
Kay Gore
Easy Disk-File Conversion78
Having trouble with your file formats? These C-64 utilities make translating between sequential and program files a breeze.
Ken Strange
Quick Merge!84
Save yourself the trouble of retyping your handy subroutines by letting your computer and disk drive do all the work.
Richard De A'Morelli
Publisher's Message6
RUNning Ruminations8
$2EF: File finder
$2F0: GET with flashing cursor
$2F1: Datapointer for the C-64
$2F2: C-64 line counter
$2F3: Printer-width fix
$2F4: Tempo and the metronome
$2F5: C-128 error trapping
$2F6: C-128 terminal program
$2F7: C-128 function keys
$2F8: Halley's Comet revisited
$2F9: Super-simple scheluding program
Louis F. Sander
Software Gallery18
Chem Lab; Transylvania; A Bat Stats 64; Pipeline; Programmers' Basic Toolkit; Ultima IV: Quest of The Avatar
Susan Tanona
Basically Speaking: The Dynamic Keyboard88
Here's your chance to eplore the dynamic keyboard and to learn how to save memory by adding and deleting lines while your programs run.
William W. Braun, Jim Borden
Telecomputing Workshop92
Robert Sims
The Resource Center94
This month - two Commodore support services; Commodore's thrid-party developers; the Young Astronaut Program; new on-line education SIG.
Margaret Morabito
Commodore Clinic102
Jim Strasma
Mail RUN106
New Products RUNdown108
Harold R. Bjornsen
How To Type In Listings110
Coming Attractions112

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