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Commodore Techtopics

Issue 30 (July, 1990)

Table of Contents
Index - Info Section Techtopics 3030/1-0.0
Service warranty policy numbers and conditions30/1-1.1
Service training schelude, October thru December 199030/1-2.1
Amiga CPU one year warranty30/1-3.1
Amiga accessories one year warranty30/1-4.1
A3000 - PC60-III, Field Replacement Units Policy30/1-5.1
Index - Parts Section TechTopics Issue 3030/2-0.0
Rodime 40MB Hard Drive sub to Quantum 40MB Hard Drive30/2-1.1
A3000 Spare parts list30/2-2.1
Index - Amiga Section Techtopics Issue 3030/3-0.0
A2091 Memory auto-configuration limitations30/3-1.1
A2286 Problem with setup menu30/3-2.1
A2300 Genlock fix to work with A300030/3-3.1
Correction of, A2300 Genlock fix to work with A300030/3-3.2
Rodime 40MB Hard Drive sub to Quantum 40MB Hard Drive30/3-4.1
A3000 Second floppy drive configuration30/3-5.1
A2300 Demo disk replacement30/3-6.1
Genlock problem with A200030/3-7.1
One Megabyte Agnus use in Commodore A500 Computers30/3-8.1
A2060/A2065/A2232 System Schematics, CBM PN# 314042-0130/3-9.1
Enclosure: A2060/A2065/A2232 System Schematics30/3-9.2
4 CBM 
Index - CBM Section Techtopics Issue 3030/4-0.0
1571 Drive Assemblies - Alps and Newtronics30/4-1.1
5 PC 
Index - PC Section Techtopics Issue 3030/5-0.0
PC40-III PCB Revision 8.x - DMA channel 7 acknowledge signal30/5-1.1
PC60-III Techtipcs30/5-2.1
1930 VGA Color Monitor System Schematic, CBM PN# 314255-0130/5-3.1
Enclosure: 1930 VGA Color Monitor System Schematic30/5-3.2

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Read the small print. Last updated Jan 19, 2006