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Issue 16 (December, 1976)

Table of Contents
The Cybertecnic Crayon: A Low Cost Approach to Human Interaction with Color Graphics24
Thomas A. Dwyer
The Cybertecnic Crayon - Using Computer Graphics as a Mediumn for Artistic Expression: A Portfolio of Explorations139
Margot Critchfield
The Buried God in the SR-5230
Clif Penn
Stretch That 6800 Clock42
Jerry Henshaw
Don't Waste Memory Space (One Way to Squeeze fat Out of Text Strings58
Robert W. Baker
Signal Processing for Optical Bar Code Scanning77
Frederick L. Merkowitz
The Designer's Eye View of the AC-3098
Gary Kay
A Universal Turing Machine114
Jonathan K. Millen
Samples of Machine Readable Printed Software - PAPERBYTES12
Walter Banks, Roger Sanderson
Software for Reading Bar Codes18
Keith Regli
Product Review: Processor Technology VDM-136
D. Anderson
Do It Yourself Weather Predictions62
Michael R. Firth
Building the AC-30 Cassette Interface110
Gary Liming
In This BYTE2
Caught By Surprise6
Carl Helmers
Clubs, Newsletters48
BYTE's Bugs54
BYTE's Ooooops... Correction to "If Only Sam Morse Could See Us Now" (October 1976)
Eugenics in Engineering - Correction to TTL inputs in July 1976 BYTE, page 100
Ask BYTE56
What's New?60, 87
Here It Is, a Builder's Eye View of the Lear Sieger "Dumb Terminal" Kit - ADM-3
Low Priced Disk System for Altair/IMSAIs: The North Star Micro-Disk System
DEC's LSI-11 Lexicon, Defined
KIM Had Twins: MOS Technology's KIM-2 and KIM-3
Attention Educators: Take a Look at the Texas Instruments Microprocessor Learning System
Cromenco: If You Z-1, You Z Them All?
Use a High Resolution Text Display: Matrox Electornic Systems' MYX-2480
A System Product with Software Orientation: American Microsystems AMI 6800 microcomputer development center
About the Cover...and the Contest70
State of the Art Disk Technology86
The information in this feature is based upon materials supplied by Shugart Associates.
Software Bug of the Month 691
W. Douglas Maurer
Desk Top Wonders92
Shooting Stars (for the SR-52 and PC-100 Printer)
Craig A. Pearce
The First West Coast Computer Faire95
Introduction for the fair to be held at April 1977 and call for papers.
BYTE's Bits60, 96
DECUS Fall Meeting; Come to the Boston IC Party?; No Back BYTEs; AFIPS NCC Proceeedings Are Now Available
Kil O'Byte108
Book Reviews120
The Technical Forum: A Proposal for a Universal Prototyping Bus Structure128
David Washburn
Programming Quickies132
6800 Anti-Wipeout Procedure
Reader's Service144

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