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Commodore Techtopics

Issue 32 (April, 1991)

Table of Contents
32/1-0.0 Index - Info Section - Techtopics Issue 321
32/1-1.1 Details of New Professional Systems Service Plan2
32/1-2.1 New FRU Pricing & Labor Rates3
32/1-3.1 New ABCD Form & Instructions4
32/1-3.2 Enclosure: Sample ABCD Warranty Claim Forms w/Instructions5
32/1-4.1 Monitor Warranty Policy6
32/2-0.0 Index - Parts Section - Techtopics - Issue 327
32/2-1.1 Field Replaceable Unit Pricing - CBM Professional Series8
32/3-0.0 Index - Amiga Section - Techtopics - Issue 329
32/3-1.1 A2320 Display Enhancer - Field Service Bulletin #A0210
32/3-2.1 A590 Hard Drives - Grounding on Power Connectors CN7, CN7A11
32/3-3.1 A2091 HDC - New ROM Rev 6.6 corrects Dual SCSI problem on PCB's with WD SCSI Controller type A, Revisions 04/0812
32/3-4.1 A2000 - TechTip - Mouse Problems, Check Fuse, F113
32/3-5.1 A2286 AT Bridgeboard - Use in A3000 Systems14
4 CBM 
32/4-0.0 Index - CBM Section - Techtopics - Issue 3215
32/4-1.1 1802 Monitor - Techtip - No Color, Check R22516
5 PC 
32/5-0.0 Index - PC Section - Techtopics - Issue 3217
32/5-1.1 SL386SX - Configuring RAM in Setup18

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last updated May 24, 2003