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System Specification for C65Fred BowenMarch 1, 1991

      BOOT SYS
      BOOT filename [,Bbank] [,Paddress) [,Ddrivel [Udevice]

BOOT without a filename given causes the computer to look for a BASIC program called AUTOBOOT.C65* on the indicated diskette, LOAD it and RUN it (just like RUN "AUTOBOOT.C65*").

BOOT with a filename given will cause the executable binary file to be BLOADed and executed beginning at the load address. If a load address is not given, the file will be loaded and execution begun,at the address stored on disk.

BOOT SYS is a special command that copies the "home" sector (the very track and sector) of the C64DX built-in drive into memory at address $400 to $5FF (one physical sector, 512 bytes) and perform a machine language JSR (Jump SubRoutine) to it. It has the same function as turning on your C64DX while holding down the ALT key. It is used to boot an alternate operating system from either a CBM 3.5" diskette or an MSDOS (720K) diskette. If used in a BASIC program, and it fails, the system can be corrupted. BOOT SYS does *not* use the normal DOS to access the disk.

    BOOT            Loads & runs BASIC program called
                    AUTOBOOT.C65* on system disk.

    BOOT U9         Loads & runs BASIC program called
                    AUTOBOOT.C65* on disk unit 9.

    BOOT "ml"       Load & executes machine language
                    program called ML, starting at address
                    stored on disk.

BORDER - Set the exterior border color of the display

                                BORDER color

Sets the screen border color to given color. The color must be in the range (0-15). See the Color Table.

BOX - Draw a 4-sided graphical shape

                  BOX x0,y0, x1,y0, x0,y1, x1,y1 [,Solid]

Requires two line segments to be specified, the order of which determines the shape drawn. The shape is drawn in the currently specified PEN color, on the currently specified SCREEN. The above command will draw the following shape:

[A box]

But if the order of the coordinates were given as:

                       BOX x0,y0, x1,y0, x1,y1, x0,y1

a "bowtie" shape would be drawn. See the sample program at SCREEN.

BSAVE - Save an area of memory in binary disk file

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last updated May 08, 2002.