Alberto hello,
I am writing to inform you that your publication of my book, THE HOME COMPUTER WARS on your website is in violation of the copyright, which I currently own.
I know you may be trying to make this book available - however, your publication of my book is illegal and also, it is interfering with my efforts to get a publisher to republish a new edition of my book.
Please remove my book from your site immediately and send me an email as soon as it is removed.
Also, please email me the number of copies that have been downloaded from your site.
Thank you.
Michael Tomczyk
Michael S. Tomczyk
Managing Director
Mack Center for Technological Innovation
The Wharton School
3620 Locust Walk - 1050 SH-DH
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6371
Tel: 215-573-7722 - Fax: 215-746-4830