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Peripheral Products

Pen Plotters Selection:

Product Number: 7440A
Introduced: 1985
Price: $1295
Catalogue Reference: 1987, P. 110


The ColorPro was the only HP small plotter to have a name, rather than just a number. It was code named "Joey" to partner with an HP computer code named "Kangaroo". The ColorPro offered Serial or HP-IB interfaces. It came with a minimal built-in set of HP-GL commands which were expandable via a plug-in ROM or GEC (Graphics Enhancement Cartridge). The ColorPro was meant to be the colour output device for business professionals. Although it only plotted on A/A4 media, it had 8 pens and was priced a third less than the successful 7475. However, the product achieved unit sales levels less than half those of the 7475. Click here to view a 12 second video of the ColorPro in action (1.9 Mb).

Ultimo aggiornamento 19 Feb 2008