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HP Computer Museum

Technical Desktops

98x5 Computers Selection:

Product Number: 9825
Introduced: 1976
Price: $5900
9825ACatalogue Reference: 1977, page 528


Donated by: David Loncasty, New South Wales.

The 9825 was HP's first HPL (High-level Programming Language) computer. It replaced the 9820. The 9825 had a full QWERTY keyboard and three expansion slots at the rear of the machine. The 9825 also had a live keyboard which enabled the user to type while the computer was executing other functions. Other built-in features included a 16-character thermal printer and a 248K mini-cartridge tape drive. The 9825 could also access external eight inch floppy disc drives (9885 and later the 9895). Additional capabilties could be added via four pluggable ROM slots at the front of the machine or via the tape drive.

The 9825A came with 6.8K RAM, expandable to 31.4K. The 9825S was introduced in 1979. It came standard with 23.2K RAM and built-in ROMs. The 9825B replaced the 9825A in 1980. It came standard with 23K RAM and internally integrated ROMs for Strings, Advanced Programming, Plotters, General I/O and Extended I/O. The 9825T was also introduced in 1980. It came standard with 62K RAM, all of the ROMs of the 9825B, plus a built-in Systems Programming ROM.

Click here for a detailed look at the 9825 and its many innovations.

Collector’s Notes:

A little over half of the 9825s that we see at the museum will power up and provide a working display. These machines will correctly perform calculations, run programs and address external disc drives and printers. The most common problem of the non-working machines is no display on power up. If you have such a machine, you can confirm that the internal logic of the computer is working by typing "beep" (without the quotation marks) and pressing the EXECUTE key. The machine will beep if it is working. Almost all 9825s are afflicted by non-functioning tape drives. This is usually due to a gooey capstan wheel. Another common problem occurs with the built-in thermal printer. The paper advance mechanism fails on some units, providing output that looks like a series of short horizontal lines.

9825 - Documentation

9825ABComputerServiceManual-09825-91030-103pages-Oct80.pdf 1.924 MB

9825-SchmaticsByTonyDuell-69pages.pdf 1.055 MB

9825ATechData-5953-0222-10pages-Jan77.pdf 0.901 MB

9825BTTechData-5953-4524-8pages-May80.pdf 0.626 MB

9825TechData-5952-9017-4pages-Jan76.pdf 0.222 MB

9825CircuitAnalysis-5952-9091-2pages-Apr76.pdf 0.156 MB

9825ElectConstEstimating-5953-0270-6pages-Feb77.pdf 0.418 MB

9825Statistics-5952-9045-4pages-Jan76.pdf 0.284 MB

9825ASSoftwarePricing-5953-1038D-2pages-Feb79.pdf 0.028 MB

9825ASTechData-5953-1013-12pages-Feb79.pdf 0.187 MB

HPJournal1976Jun-9825A-18pages.pdf 0.554 MB

9825MatrixProgramming-09825-90022-36pages-May84.pdf 0.283 MB

9825-ACCircuitAnalysis-09825-12501-63pages.pdf 0.68 MB

9825A-SystemTestBooklet-09825-90031-23pages-Mar76.pdf 0.406 MB

9825A-ExtendedIOProgramming-09825-90025-120pages-Jul78.pdf 1.433 MB

9825A-InterfacingConcepts-09825-90060-91pages-1984.pdf 1.28 MB

9825A-SystemsProgramming-09825-90027-63pages-Aug77.pdf 1.082 MB

9825DiscProgramming-09825-90220-98pages-Aug80.pdf 1.471 MB

9825OperatingAndProgrammingReference-09825-90200-296pages-Jun83.pdf 4.109 MB

9825_GeneralUtilityRoutines_RevE_09825-10001_380pages_1977.pdf 2.391 MB

9825AB_ServiceManual_09825-91030_105pages_Sep81.pdf 1.883 MB

9825IOControlReferenceManual-09825-90210-286pages-May85.pdf 5.694 MB

9825_ErrorMessages_09825-90015_16pages_Dec78.pdf 0.466 MB

9825_GeneralIOProgramming_09825-90024_68pages_Jun78.pdf 1.524 MB

9825_QuickReference_09825-90012_31pages_Sep80.pdf 0.823 MB

9825_SystemTestBooklet_09825-90037_83pages_Jun80.pdf 0.676 MB

9825A_9831A_ExtendedMemoryInstallation_09825-90033_11pages_May77.pdf 0.147 MB

9825A_HP-IB_ProgrammingHints_59300-90005_90pages_Jan78.pdf 0.632 MB